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New to Meadow Creek Baptist Church (MCBC)?
We are located at 2403 Bedford Rd, Bedford TX. There are 3 buildings on our property. Use the map to the side to get familiar with us.
1. Meadow Creek Childcare Center
2. Children's Ministry Building
3. Sanctuary
Sundays at 9:30 for Life Groups/Sunday School
Children (Infants - 3) - Nursery (Bldg 3)
Children (3 yrs - 6th grade) - CMB (Bldg 2)
Youth (7th - 12th grade) - Youth (Bldg 2)
College & Career - Adults 65 - Sanctuary (Bldg 3)
Senior Saints - Classrooms in Bldg 3
There are visitor parking spots closest to the sanctuary. From Bedford Rd turn onto Meadow Creek Dr. and the the sanctuary is on the left.
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